
 My life between rubber boots & elegant jackets

Hi, I’m Albert!

I grew up on a small farm in Bavaria, not too far from Munich in Germany. When other children, here in the village played with toys in their sandboxes, I usually worked with large machines in the fields. I started to work on my parent’s farm relatively young, and I always loved to work on the farm, together with my parents.

Fashion is my passion, and I was always interested in elegant and classic menswear. When my grandmother always brought me to Munich, I was a teenager, and I got the chance to wander around the city and see all the elegant clothes inside and outside the high street shops. When I worked as a businessman, I had daily the chance to wear fine clothes. Since I am a full-time farmer, I only wear it for free time, and my wardrobe more and more becomes a kind of collection. Hats are my particular liking and have some from international brands, some from local brands and even some unique ones from small millineries.

I want to show you how life between rubber boots and elegant jackets can look like and how a man, who can handle heavy machines can get people’s attention when he dresses up for free-time activities. I want to show you how easily you can create a distinctive and elegant look; your fellows will like. Finally, I want to give you some insights as my work as a farmer and business owner.

If you’re interested in working with me, please get in touch.


Albert Hartmair



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